1001Ebook » Entreprise et Bourse » The Challenger Sale: How To Take Control of the Customer Conversation (2022)

Description du livre The Challenger Sale: How To Take Control of the Customer Conversation (2022):


Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson share the secret to sales success: don't just build relationships with customers. Challenge them!

What's the secret to sales success?

If you're like most business leaders, you'd say it's fundamentally about relationships - and you'd be wrong. Matthew Dixon, Brent Adamson, and their colleagues at CEB have studied the performance of thousands of sales reps worldwide.

Their conclusion? The best salespeople don't just build relationships with customers. They challenge them.

Any sales rep, once equipped with the tools in this book, can drive higher levels of customer loyalty and, ultimately, greater growth. And this book will help them get there.

If you wish to become a better sales person, buy and read this book and when you have finished buy The Challenger Customer and read that!' Amazon Reader Review

'I have been in enterprise software sales for 6 years and can relate to so many scenarios described in the book.
I have already noticed significant results and improvements' Amazon Reader Review


...c'est ce qui m'a mené en dernier lieu à ce livre. Je dirige en France une société de services commerciaux externalisés et nous appliquons à la lettre avec succès sur le terrain les directives du CEB reprises dans ce livre (oui là, contrairement à ce que j'ai pu lire ce ne sont pas des conseils un peu vagues mais bien des consignes précises et assez rapidement applicables). Ce livre m'avait été recommandé par les auteurs les plus pragmatiques de la vente BtoB (et Neil Rackham reste un mentor en la matière, mais les élèves contemporains ont enfin dépassé le maître des années 90) et en effet : je n'ai jamais rien lui d'aussi rentable, une lecture obligatoire pour tout dirigeant ambitieux.
